【In English】
The NHK’s annual drama this year is about the aristocratic society around 1000 AD. I’ve sometimes watched it, and tried to catch their actual life,…did they really work as a “politician”? If so, what jobs did they execute? What were these noblemen’s real life?
The book is written about the theme from existing three diaries.
1) Mido Kanpaku-ki (御堂関白記) written by Fujiwara Michinaga (道長 966 – 1028)
2) Gon-ki (権記) written by Fujiwara Yukinari (行成 972 – 1028)
3) Syoyu-ki (小右記) written by Fujiwara Sanesuke (実資 957 – 1046)
It’s a pity that I was not able to catch the direct answer to my original question due to my poorest reading ability, but I could get my own image about the theme. For examples,
1) Noblemen were actually leading very busy every-day life at the imperial palace, preparing many kinds of rites
2) Noblemen were forced into put themselves in a very strict hierarchical society, so some upper-ranked noble family plotted to marry off their daughter to the Imperial family
3) In those days, Onmyo-ji (陰陽師), a diviner such as Abe Seimei (安倍 晴明), played an active role for determining an important direction for imperial rites and rituals. So clever noblemen often took advantage of their fortune-telling authority
Since I often visit to Kyoto Imperial Palace (the working stage of noblemen) as a tour guide for inbound tourists, I’d be happy if the small knowledge may become an intriguing reference for our precious guests.
【In Japanese】
タイトル:平安貴族とは何か? — 3冊の日記から見えてくる実像 —
1) 藤原道長 (966 – 1028) 著の「御堂関白記」
2) 藤原行成 (972 – 1028) 著の「権記」
3) 藤原実資 (957 – 1046) 著の「小右記」
1) 貴族たちは宮中で様々な儀式への準備するなど、実に忙しい日々を送っていたようです
2) 貴族たちはとても厳格な階級社会に身を置くことを余儀なくされていたために一部の上流貴族(例:藤原氏)は娘を皇族に嫁がせようと画策したようです
3) 当時は、宮中の儀式や祭祀の重要な方向性を決めるのに陰陽師(例:安倍 晴明)という占い師が活躍していたため、賢い貴族たちはその占いの権威をしばしば利用したようです
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