Re: “I should not have become a translator for book publishing” authored by Shinji MIYAZAKI

I haven’t known the author’s name before, but he seems to be a kind of genius, especially in the field of translation from English to Japanese. I was stunned by his level of the foreign language…. he only encountered a few unknown words in an original book! (He is known as a translator of the bestseller “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”)
The book is filled with a bunch of episodes that the author was treated badly and unreasonably so many times by publishing companies that he decided to retire from the business at last. I couldn’t help but be driven into a righteous indignation during reading the book. I really think that such selfish companies drove out the shining person of talent from publishing world. What a wasteful story that was!

The Book’s Cover
About the Author
What the Author Wants to Write
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