Re: “Good Health & Long Life”, Discarding TV sets! (テレビを捨てて“健康長寿”!)

【In English】

I read the book today within 2 hours.
I have read many books authored by Hideki WADA (和田 秀樹), who is well renowned as a medical doctor of psychiatry and an expert for geriatrics. I always think that his book is very easy to understand, and very convincing.
Some of the words that I was impressed a lot are as follows;
1) A life expectancy of a person who has a habit watching TV more than 6 hours a day is shorter by 5 years than others who don’t.
2) The key for “Good Health & Long Life” is simple. That is “Willingness to do something”.
3) Let’s live an “Exciting” everyday!
4) A “Health Disparity” can be reduced by his/her effort, unlike a “Economic Disparity”.


タイトル: テレビを捨てて“健康長寿”!

私はこれまで精神医学の医師であり、老年医学の専門家として著名な和田秀樹氏の著書を何冊も読んできました。 いつも思うのですが、彼の本はとても分かりやすく、説得力があると思います。
1)1 日 6 時間以上テレビを見る習慣のある人の平均余命は、そうでない人より 5 年短い。
2)「健康長寿」の鍵はきわめて単純です。 それは「何かをしようとする意欲」なのです。

The Book’s Cover (表紙頁)

The Key Passage of the Book;
A TV set is a kind of “Brainwashing & Murder” Machine!



2 Months’ Record of my Moving Activity (Apple Watch)
I’ve walked more than 10,000 steps a day on the average.



“Standing Record”:
I have tried to stand at least 13 hours a day.



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