It seems to be an autumnal atmosphere here at my hometown. My clothing for upper body was always a “birthday suit” in the mid-summer, when I was around my house, but I’ve started wearing T-shirt, at least when a private courier comes these days.
So, I asked the local Silver Human Resources Center (シルバー人材センター) to prune garden trees at my backyard. (The center dispatches necessary labor workers who are already retired, when requested.) Though I’m a retired boy too, I don’t have any tools such as pruning saws, clippers, a ladder and a mini truck which is used for conveying all the tools and cut trees. First of all, I don’t have any skills to do so, as I’m terribly awkward with everything…. (^-^;.
The dispatched five seniors were professional for sure. They pruned long grown branches and azalea hedges around my house within 3 hours. The garden became quite neat! Thank you, gentlemen, and we expect your polite and perfect service next year, too!

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