Re: Pruning Work for My Backyard

It seems to be an autumnal atmosphere here at my hometown. My clothing for upper body was always a “birthday suit” in the mid-summer, when I was around my house, but I’ve started wearing T-shirt, at least when a private courier comes these days.
So, I asked the local Silver Human Resources Center (シルバー人材センター) to prune garden trees at my backyard. (The center dispatches necessary labor workers who are already retired, when requested.) Though I’m a retired boy too, I don’t have any tools such as pruning saws, clippers, a ladder and a mini truck which is used for conveying all the tools and cut trees. First of all, I don’t have any skills to do so, as I’m terribly awkward with everything…. (^-^;.
The dispatched five seniors were professional for sure. They pruned long grown branches and azalea hedges around my house within 3 hours. The garden became quite neat! Thank you, gentlemen, and we expect your polite and perfect service next year, too!

During the Pruning Operation (1 of 3)
During the Pruning Operation (2 of 3)
During the Pruning Operation (3 of 3)
After the Job (1 of 3)
After the Job (2 of 3)

After the Job (3 of 3)
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