Re: Mowing Weeds under Scorching Mid-summer Sun

The Mid-summer has come at last.
Due to unstable weather from the beginning of July, weeds have been growing rapidly in my vegetable fields, too. Though I have never raised any vegetables there, we have to cut these “bitter” and troublesome green things once in half a month. This is because we have a sort of culture that we care so much about what others think if we leave our weed-grown fields uncared. And, one more reason for me is that I cannot help but feel sorry for my late mom, who used to be working there everyday for cultivating some vegetables for our families in every season.
I sweated a lot like a horse today, but the tough job necessarily gives me a “delicious carrot”, too. I was able to lose my weight 1.7 kilos. (^^♪
This hard work in the midsummer must also be the most effective exercise for me for staying fit.

Before the Weeds Mowing
After the Mowing

We have a Banana tree in my vegetable field, though I have never seen the tree bears fruits…(そんなバナナ….)
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