Re: Rambling Along “Kurokabe Square”, a Representative Feature of Nagahama Tourism (「黒壁」通りを歩く)

Due to Typhoon No.4, it’s partly raining today too.
After I called on my relatives in the downtown of Nagahama, I rambled along “Kurokabe” Street, which used to be one of the most busiest sightseeing spots in Shiga prefecture. They say that no less than 7 millions sightseers had come to the city in a year, before COVID-19 spread.
Let me briefly explain about the street. As Nagahama positions at a strategic place connecting Kyoto and Hokuriku district, a railroad was laid as early as 1882, and thanks to some business tycoons, a branch of the national bank was built here in 1900, and the city prospered through the rapid economic growth period. But after 80 years, the building got old and faced with the threat of destruction. Then, some persons of modern business success proposed to renew the area, especially for tourism in the late of 1980s, and it brought a Big Success!
I’m sorry to say that the sightseers’ number has dropped dramatically after the pandemic, and still the recession seems to have continued. But, as an elderly bad boy who loves the hometown, and as a “clumsy” tour guide for the northern region of Lake Biwa, I strongly hope that the retrospective Square and other spots will be crowded again soon with thousands of guests from around the world.

“Kurokabe” Building, Which Means Black Wall in English
The Front Approach to Daitsu-ji Temple (大通寺)
(Quite near from my relatives)
The Large Temple Gate of Daitsu-ji, built in 1840
Yone River (米川), Flowing in the Center of the Square
Very Hard Japanese Sweet Stuff (Ginger Taste), Which has a Long History of 130 Years
[Note] Be careful! Your teeth will be broken!!
Typical Japanese Style Old Restaurant
(There are several such eating facilities, which reminds us of good old days)
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