Re: Cherries are in full bloom at our hometown, too! (桜は我がふるさとでも今が満開です!)

(I said it’s 9th in the video but 7th, sorry)


Shimaura Park at Kawanami Hamlet (1 of 2)

川並集落の島浦広場(1 of 2)

Shimaura Park at Kawanami Hamlet (2 of 2)

川並集落の島浦広場(2 of 2)

Opposite Shore (The East Side) of the Lake


The West Side of the Lake (1 of 2)

湖の西側 (1 of 2)

The West Side of the Lake (2 of 2)

湖の西側 (2 of 2)

[Motion Picture taken from the West side] (湖の西側から撮影した動画)
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