Autumnal Foliage around Lake Yogo [No.2] (余呉湖周辺の紅葉 [No.2] )

【In English】

We have entered into the last month in a year, but they say that we can still appreciate autumnal foliage, since it continued exceptionally hottest days in summer this year. I walked around the lake this afternoon too, being lured by unseasonal warm weather. I always feel calm and happy whenever I can have the luxurious time all to myself, seeing day by day transforming nature.

【In Japanese (日本語訳)】



Jizo-do Hall of Kawanami Hamlet (1 of 3) 川並地蔵堂 (1 of 3)

Jizo-do Hall of Kawanami Hamlet (2 of 3) 川並地蔵堂 (2 of 3)

Jizo-do Hall of Kawanami Hamlet (3 of 3) 川並地蔵堂 (3 of 3)

Western Area of the Lake (1 of 1) 大菅地区 (1 of 1)

Near the Fishing Pier of Lake smelts at Edo Hamlet (1 of 3) 江土釣り桟橋近く (1 of 3)

Near the Fishing Pier of Lake smelts at Edo Hamlet (2 of 3) 江土釣り桟橋近く (2 of 3)

Near the Fishing Pier of Lake smelts at Edo Hamlet (3 of 3) 江土釣り桟橋近く (3 of 3)

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