Autumnal Foliage around Lake Yogo(余呉湖周辺の紅葉)

【In English】

It was a perfectly fine late autumn day today in our district too. So, I went out for a nearby path from my home, to breathe fresh air from the forest. The autumnal landscape there may not be so gorgeous nor elegant as the ones that my friends posted on SNS, but I love it most.

【In Japanese (日本語訳)】


Woody Pal Yogo (1 of 2) ウッディパル余呉 (1 of 2)

Woody Pal Yogo (2 of 2) ウッディパル余呉 (2 of 2)

Red Maple Tree at around Lake Yogo (1 of 2)  余呉湖畔のハナノキ(1 of 2)

Red Maple Tree at around Lake Yogo (2 of 2)  余呉湖畔のハナノキ(2 of 2)

Autumnal Foliage at Our Satoyama, i.e., Forest adjacent to our settlement (1 of 2)  里山の紅葉 (1 of 2)

Autumnal Foliage at Our Satoyama, i.e., Forest adjacent to our settlement (2 of 2)  里山の紅葉 (2 of 2)

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