Re: The ceremony performed to pray for safety of snow-removing work(除雪安全祈願祭)

[In English]

As the “Winter-beginning day; Nov., 07” passed, it has become rather cold than cool, especially in the morning. It might be snowing in December in our district, and the depth on a road sometimes becomes more than 50 cm. Heavy snowfall causes serious traffic problems for the residents in our district. So, the city government has taken some countermeasures such as snow-melting system on a road. Removing snow by a snowplow is one of the most effective measures, when we have unexpectedly heavy snow in only one night.
We had the ceremony to pray for the drivers’ safety during the jobs today. We really appreciate for all the dedicated members.

[In Japanese (日本語)]





Safety Praying by the Shinto Priest (神主さんによるご祈祷)

The Snowplow & the Devotional Offerings to the God     (除雪機と神様へのお供え物)

The Leaders of Our Community Association is Asking for the Drivers’ Cooperations (自治会役員が運転手さん達へ協力をお願いしているところ)

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