Happy New Year of 2024, All!

【In English】
I wonder what your new year’s resolutions are?

I was determined the following two, they are almost the same as the past years, though. Anyway, there’s nothing more valuable than good health, whatever your age is!

[My New Year’s Resolutions]

1) To Maintain My Physical & Mental Health by Continuing Light Exercises and Leading Regular Life (“Exercise is a Real Polypill”!!)

2) To Enhance the “Quality” for Delivering the Charm of Nature, History & Culture of Japan for inbound tourists.

I sincerely hope that the new year will be a fruitful and fulfilling year for all of you.


皆様、2024 年、新年明けましておめでとうございます。

私が決めたのは、毎年代り映えしないものですが、以下の2つです。何はともあれ、私は 年齢に関係なく、健康より貴重なものはないと考えております。



A Small New Year’s Decorations at Our Entrance (ささやかな正月飾り)

A Good New Year Dishes that My Brother Kindly Sent (1 of 2)   弟が贈ってくれた中華おせち料理(1 of 2)

A Good New Year Dishes that My Brother Kindly Sent (2 of 2)   弟が贈ってくれた中華おせち料理(2 of 2)

A Number of Shoes always Expands to More Than 3 Times When This Season Comes! (お正月が来ると、我が家の靴の数が3倍以上になります!)

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