【In English】
One of my friends, who is my classmate of our school days and is doing actively as a tour guide still now, commented about the old word on FB word the other day. When I consulted the meaning of the idiom by a dictionary once again, I refined my vague ideas of the word…which comes from Japanese tea ceremony. It says that when a guest and a host of the ceremony has to make a sincere effort to each other, since this may be the first and the last time in the lifetime for each other, which may never happen again.
Our job is to serve for important clients to help them spend the happiest and most pleasant time when travelling around Japan. I now think that I mustn’t forget my basic and uppermost mission.
【In Japanese (日本語)】
Re: 通訳案内士のお仕事で感じた”一期一会”の大切さ
学生時代の同級生で今はツアーガイドとして活躍している友人が、先日SNS を通じてこの古い言葉についてコメントしていました。あらためて辞書でこの慣用句の意味を調べてみたところ、これまで漠然と思っていたこの言葉の意味を正しく認識いたしました。これは日本の茶道に由来しています。お客様と主催者が、お互いに一生に一度で最後かもしれない、つまり二度とないかもしれないその機会であるからこそお互い真摯に向き合う努力をしなければならないという意味です。

Sanjyusangendo temple (1 of 2) (三十三間堂)

Sanjyusangendo temple (2 of 2)(三十三間堂)

Fushimi Inari grand shrine (1 of 2) (伏見稲荷大社)

Fushimi Inari grand shrine (2 of 2) (伏見稲荷大社)

Kyoto sta. (京都駅屋上;ハッピーテラス)

Rokkakudo temple (六角堂)

Kyoto Imperial Palace (京都御所)

Kinaku-ji temple (1 of 4) (金閣寺)

Kinaku-ji temple (2 of 4) (金閣寺)

Kinaku-ji temple (3 of 4) (金閣寺)

Kinaku-ji temple (4 of 4) (金閣寺)

Nonomiya jinjya shrine in Arashiyama (野々宮神社)

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