Re: Tour guiding under scorching sun and damply clinging humidity…it was almost “murderous”!(灼熱地獄の中のツアーガイド)

【In English】

I don’t know if I can say that we were lucky to have no rain yesterday in Kyoto area,…it was murderous weather…. too hot and too humid, walking no less than 21,000 steps on both days. I haven’t had any memory to drink such a huge amount of water in one day,…it is not an exaggeration to say that my T-shirt was so wet with beading sweat as I can squeeze it!

Since the time schedule for 5 destinations (Tea ceremony experience, Rokkakudo, Kyoto imperial palace, Kinkaku-ji and Arashiyama park, including lunch) was thought to be too tight to enjoy them satisfactorily by public transportations. Taxi drivers helped us a lot to bring us to each site with easy and pleasant talk, in an air-conditioned comfortable space. Meantime in a car, I was able to explain the prior knowledge and reference info. about the spots so the clients can fully taste the old capital. The fare can be thought not to be so expensive, considering its good service and the time saving. Thank you, all the drivers!

I felt extremely happy to hear from the civilized and considerate woman, “Yoshi, the material you made for us is really informative, thank you”, all the time bringing and referring to the 19-page poorest reference I had preapared. I felt my small effort beforehand paid off.

Another thing I noticed afresh in this tour guiding was that 2 uppermost conditions as a tour guide is not a linguistic ability, nor deep knowledge about each spot but 1) Strength of the body and 2) Hearty hospitality for clients.

My next guiding in this July will be from 20 (Sat.) to 25 (Thu.), when the family of my niece comes to my home, Onsen in Hokuriku, Kyoto, Nara and Osaka. I was happy when I was asked from the niece to attend with them. (That must be much more comfy…(^^♪ )

(1) I was a bit surprised to know that I lose 3 kilos during the guiding for the first time in 10 months, though shall be recovering in a few days.

(2) I already got a permission to post the photos from the friendly family.

【In Japanese (日本語)】


昨日京都では(天気予報に反して)雨が降らなかったのは幸運だったと喜んでいいのかどうかわかりません。”殺人的な天候”(最高気温は37.2 ℃)で、暑すぎてまとわりつくような湿気でした。。たった一日でこんなにも大量の水分を飲んだ記憶はありません…私のTシャツは絞れるほど汗でびっしょり濡れていたと言っても決して誇張ではありません!




また、今回のツアーガイドで改めて気づいたのは、ツアーガイドとして最も重要な条件は、語学力でも、各スポットに関する深い知識でもなく、1) 体力と2) お客様への心のこもったおもてなしだということでした。(私は、大概の場合、お客様を含めても最年長ですが軽快な足取りは決して負けてはおりません。ガイドがくたばっていては話になりません!)

次回の7月のガイドは、20日(土)~25日(木)で、姪っ子の家族(OR在住)が私の実家、北陸の温泉、京都、奈良、大阪の温泉にやってきます。彼女から付き添いを頼まれたときはうれしかったです。 (通常のツアーと異なり、緊張感もなく、ずっと精神的に楽でしょうね…  (^^♪ )

(1) この酷暑の中でのガイドのため、10ヶ月ぶりに3キロスリムになりました。でも、数日後にはもとに戻ってしまうだろうけど。(^-^;


Sanjyusangendo temple (三十三間堂)

Fushimi Inari grand shrine (伏見稲荷大社)

Nishiki Tenmangu shrine (錦天満宮)

Look! The woman is bringing the “small material” I prepared for the client!

Rokkakudo temple (六角堂)

The golden pavilion (金閣寺)

Rakushisya in Arashiyama (落柿舎)

Jyojyakko-ji temple in Arashiyama (常寂光寺)

Lotus pond near Mikami shrine (御髪神社近くの蓮池)

Bamboo forest in Arashiyama (竹林)

Togetsukyo bridge in Arashiyama(渡月橋)

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