Re: Lake Smelts Fishing at Lake Yogo [No.2] (余呉湖のワカサギ釣り [その2])

【In English】

Title: Lake Smelts Fishing at Lake Yogo [No.2]

As I said it on Jan., 11, I’ve been assigned as a caretaker, one of the administration officers of the fishery cooperative (an errand boy, as a matter of fact (^-^;). I had to go to the artificial fresh water stream early in this morning too, in order to displace beds on which lake smelts laid eggs to a hatching pond. It seems to me that the timing of the season has become a bit faster by more than one month lately.

It was Sat., and an acceptable day for the fishing today, so relatively many guests were coming to both the fishing piers of Kawanami and Edo. The fishing exploits seemed to vary among anglers, but some got more than several hundreds. The weather forecast says that it may be cloudy and the temperature would be 0 to 7 degrees in C tomorrow. I strongly hope that many can enjoy the fishing as much as they like.

【In Japanese】

タイトル: 余呉湖ワカサギ釣り(その2;1月21日(土))


今日は、土曜日、時々薄日が差すまずまずの釣り日和であったので、江土・川並桟橋ともに大勢のお客様がお見えになっているようです。釣果は人によってばらつきがありますが、見たところ数百匹の人もおられた様子でした。明日は曇りがち(0℃ – 7℃)とのこと。多くの方に楽しんでいただくことを期待しております。

Edo Fishing Pier [江土桟橋での釣り状況]
Fishing Tools [釣り道具]
Fishing Exploits (1 of 2) [釣果(1 of 2)]
Fishing Exploits (2 of 2) [釣果(2 of 2)]
Kawanami Fishing Pier [川並桟橋での釣り状況]
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