Re: Autumnal Landscape around Lake Yogo

Good weather has continued in the northern region of Lake Biwa (KOHOKU). As it becomes rather cold in the morning and evening lately, they say that autumnal foliages seem to have started around our hometown.

Talking about the natural beauty, I had been awakened by the gorgeous and artistic vista more than 12 years ago when I went to Jyojyakko-ji temple (常寂光寺) in Kyoto, together with my friend from Thailand.

So, I went out for viewing the fall foliage today around Lake Yogo. It seemed to me it may be a bit too early till the best season, but I felt that the landscape here compared favorably with the one at the old temple.

PS: Seven pictures (including motion pictures) from the 1st were shot on Nov., 07, a bit earlier than the best season. So, two more pictures are newly added, which were taken on Nov., 21, 2 weeks later from the first ones.

It may take a few more week till the best autumnal leave show (1 of 2)

It may take a few more week till the best autumnal leave show (2 of 2)

I love the color of Lake Yogo in this season, when many migrating water birds come.

Another name of Lake Yogo is “Mirror Lake”.

Motion Picture Taken by iPhone (1 of 3)

Motion Picture Taken by iPhone (2 of 3)
Motion Picture Taken by iPhone (3 of 3)

The Photo Taken on Nov., 21, 2 Weeks Later from the Above (2 of 2)
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