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    Re: The Perfect Rainbow Crossing over …

    I happened to see that beautiful rainbow this afternoon, when I was doing my daily routine walking exercise. Lucky!今…

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    Re: En-nichi, a Fair Day or Festival D…

    One of the most exciting events in our summer holidays must've been this Festival in our nearest town of Kinomoto. Ou…

    • Blog

    Re: Pareto Analysis for the Expenditur…

    【In English】Since I got the details for the credit card payments, I made the Pareto analysis. The total spending fo…

    • Blog

    Re: Grass Mowing under the Scorching S…

    The long rainy season seems to have been over in our district. The mid-summer has come at last! As I'm an outdoor bo…

    • Blog

    Re: Pruning for Our Yards by the Silve…

    シルバー人材センターの皆さんによる裏庭の剪定作業I had my house's yard pruned by the centers today. I don't have any t…

    • Blog

    The Itinerary and the Budget of the To…

    As I've continued preparing the itinerary by taking advantage of my time to spare, so I have almost fixed the schedul…

    • Blog

    Re: Motion Picture Performance of Sony…

    We have already entered into the long rainy season in Japan. It was, however, an exceptionally fine weekday today, so…

    • Blog

    Re: Camera Performance between iPhone …

    I posted the topic on Jun., 11, but I wanted to confirm whether or not the photo quality of Sony's α6400 changes if t…

    • Blog

    Re: Camera Performance between iPhone …

    Though I'm just an "Oyaji" far from the wonk of IT, I've tried to catch up with young guys (Z generation), since I be…

    • Blog

    Re: Apple Watch, a Hightech Gadget, Pu…

    The wrist band of my "Fitbit" Versa 3 has cut again. I've been using the electronic gadget habitually for about 6 yea…

    • Blog

    Re: Mowing Work around Our Ancestors&#…

    Our group of Soto sect in our hamlet has made it a rule to mow weeds around our ancestors' tomb in this season every …

    • Blog

    Re: The Trail Walk along the Strip Roa…

    I have a new friend in my hometown, who has started living at his newly built house here since last august. He loves …

    • Blog

    Re: Wonderful Gift from My Old Friend;…

    One of my old friends in my college days kindly sent me the nicest gift today. He lives in Shimada city in Shizuoka (…

    • Blog

    Re: How to Spend My Own Time in the &#…

    Golden Week Holidays have just begun.They say that strict regulations for COVID-19 spread have remarkably eased in Ja…

    • Blog

    Re: 450th Anniversary of Nagahama, Bui…

    【In English】After winning the battle of Ane-gawa (姉川の戦い), Hideyoshi (羽柴秀吉), who is renowned as one of the …

    • Blog

    Re: The Positive Effect to Our Health …

    I've continued the gymnastics every early morning since I retired from the office. That's why I had a big interest in…

    • Blog

    Re: One of the Most Pleasant Climates …

    When I was making a walking exercise around the Lake this afternoon, I suddenly realized that now is the best climate…

    • Blog

    Re: The Clean-up Operation for Mysteri…

    Spring has come at last!The volunteers' event for cleaning up the surrounding of the Lake is usually held in this sea…

    • Blog

    A Cool Logo for Promoting Nagahama Sen…

    • Blog

    Re: This is My Biggest Surprise to See…

    As one of the board members of the Fisheries Cooperative Association and as an ingenuous boy who believes the importa…