Re: Thank you very much for your nice greeting words for my BD (お誕生祝のお言葉、ありがとう!)

[In English]

Today was my BD. I was so glad to know that many friends and acquaintances kindly sent me the greeting message. Thank you so much.
Whenever the new chapter day comes, I can’t help but review and renew my resolutions.
1) To maintain physical and mental health
I can give me a passing mark, thus far! !(^^)!
2) To enhance my competent ability as a tour guide for inbound tourists
Honestly, I may give me 80 points, thus far! v(^^)v
As for 2), I received the nicest BD present the other day from the God, too!! I mean, I was asked to do a guide for my hometown, KOHOKU, the title of which is “One Day Bike Tour around Yogo, an Old Home of Japan in Shiga”. The clients are 10 Americans, almost of whom are their 20s. Since I mustn’t give in the cycling tour, I biked the same course today, another reason of which was for the day’s preliminary check. I am now so excited, since this tour was my dream to come true, and the first “challenge” for me. The day is coming Sat.

[In Japanese (日本語)]


1) 心身の健康を維持する
===>これについては、今のところ合格点をつけることができると思います! !(^^)!
2) インバウンドのツアーガイドとしての能力を高める
===>これについては、正直申して、今のところ80点をつけられるかもしれません! v(^^)v

2)については、実は、先日神様から最高の誕生日プレゼントもいただきました!!  というのも、私の故郷である湖北のガイドを依頼されたのです。タイトルは「滋賀県の日本の古き良き故郷、余呉を巡る日帰り自転車ツアー」です。お客様は10人のアメリカ人で、ほとんどが20代です。


The day’s small material (part)                当日の資料(一部)

My Bike (I cleaned it today!)

Old cocoon filament manufacturing house (Exhibit) [1 of 2] (繭の糸取り資料保存館 [1 of 2])

Old cocoon filament manufacturing house (Exhibit) [2 of 2] (繭の糸取り資料保存館 [2 of 2])

Ikagu shrine (伊香具神社)

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