It was rather humid and hot day today, too.
As a caretaker for our village shrine, I sweated for completing the last job for replacing the ragged and shabby-looking bell cord at our Jizo-do Hall (地蔵堂), in which the statue of Jizo Bosatsu (地蔵菩薩) and Yakushi Nyorai (薬師如来) carved in Heian period are enshrined. ( Our hamlet has a long history of more than 1,200 years.)
I had to go to a DIY store again for buying hooks and nails to fix the cord onto the ceiling, had to ask a neighbor from the Hall to lend me a ladder, and had to do the replacement work by myself. But, my heart was filled with a feeling of satisfaction, thinking that even such a terribly awkward (elderly) boy like me was able to contribute a bit for maintaining our treasure house.
I’m extremely shocked to know that the former prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe was shot to death today.

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