Re:This is that famous Cherry-blossom Viewing along the Lakeside of Biwa from a boat cruising (湖上から見る海津大崎の桜)

Kaizu-Osaki (海津大崎) is well renowned as one of the best spots for viewing Cherry flowers. They say that no less than 800 old cherry trees in bloom along the lake-side road for 4 km in early Apr., every year.
The place is only 20 km away from my home, but I’ve never been there in this season, because the road will be “murderously” congested in the peak season.
The blossoms in Kohoku area (northern district of Lake Biwa) is usually about 1 week behind from the southern area or Kyoto, so I had thought it may be a bit too early. But, I tried to appreciate the second most popular viewing, since I was lucky enough to be able to reserve the ticket.
The decision did NOT betrayed me. We were able to enjoy the gorgeous spring flowers and the reflection of the whitish pink color from the greenish blue lake, in a relaxed manner. (We were also lucky that it was a perfect weather and the boat was not so crowded due to a bit early season in a weekday.)

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