“I’m yellow and white, and a bit blue” authored by Brady MIKAKO [ぼくはイエローでホワイトで、ちょっとブルー] ブレイディみかこ

The author was born in Fukuoka, and has lived in Brighton city of UK for more than 20 years. She got merried with an Irish man and has a boy who now became a middle-teen. The book I read is the 1st volume, which was published in Jun., 2019. (The 2nd was issued in Sep., 2021.) Both the books seem to be written through their son’s daily life. I somehow have had a kind of image that the people in UK have a tendency to set much value on something like “decency” based upon one’s well-bred being, and found this is true from the book. But, the author puts much emphasis on the importance of racial diversity!

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