
  1. Re: The Novel of “Kinkaku-ji” (金閣寺) Written by Yukio MISHIMA (三島由紀夫)

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  2. Re: “Change Your Meals from 60 if you want to live healthy” (元気でいたければ60歳から食事を変えなさい)

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  3. Re: Miraculous but Happiest Happening (とてもハッピーな奇跡)

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  4. Re: The Globe of Memories (想い出の地球儀)

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  5. Re: Summary & Reflection for the 4 Days’ Tour Guiding around Kyoto & Nara (4日間のツアーガイドの反省)

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  6. Re: A “Punctual and Faithful” Flower, Spider Lily (律儀な花:彼岸花)

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  7. Re: What is this “String-like Living Object”?(この紐のような“生き物”は何じゃ?)

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  8. Re: The Perfect Rainbow Crossing over Lake Yogo (余呉湖に架かる虹)

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  9. Re: En-nichi, a Fair Day or Festival Day of the Local Jizo Buddhist deity (木之本地蔵縁日)

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  10. Re: Pareto Analysis for the Expenditure of the US & UK Tour

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  11. Re: A Half a Month Journey to USA & UK (半月間の米英旅行)

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  12. Re: Grass Mowing under the Scorching Sun (炎天下の草刈り)

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  13. Re: Pruning for Our Yards by the Silver Human Resources Centers

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  14. The Itinerary and the Budget of the Tour Flying over the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean (米・英旅行の旅程と予算見積もり)

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  15. Re: Motion Picture Performance of Sony’s α6400 (ソニー製一眼レフα6400カメラの動画性能)

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  16. Re: Camera Performance between iPhone (Series 13) vs Sony’s α6400 [No.2] (iPhone 13 とソニー製一眼レフα6400のカメラ性能 [No.2])

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  17. Re: Camera Performance between iPhone (Series 13) vs Sony’s α6400 (iPhone 13 とソニー製一眼レフα6400のカメラ性能)

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  18. Re: Tour Guide around Kyoto and Nara for the 5 Wonderful Families from US

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  19. Re: Apple Watch, a Hightech Gadget, Purchased by a Flea Market App (フリマアプリで購入したアップルウォッチ)

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  20. Re: Mowing Work around Our Ancestors’ Tomb (先祖代々のお墓周りの草刈り作業)

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