Re: What I thought after reading “Alumni” bulletins (同窓会誌を読んで思ったこと)

Since I’ve been hectic in these few years, for I often had to prepare and work for our community events, tour guiding for inbound tourists and everyday domestic duties, I’ve left reading many “alumni” bulletins until later. So, I tried to complete giving each of them a once-over, by taking advantage of my free time in this season. May I say my impression, focusing on the two points I felt from the books?

1) The Bulletin of Retired Employees from My Old Company
Seven and half a year have passed since I retired. Since I used to work as a QC (Quality Control) related staff (lower position, though) for our whole company groups, many people who commented and / or posted on the book were familiar faces. Some are actively enjoying their golden years, some are starting to prepare for ending their lives, but the most common topic is their current health, as you can imagine so. On the “short letter” corner, some commented that their physical health has gradually decayed, others said that they are suffering from the lumbar compression fracture, for examples. These messages are thought to be very natural when people get old, but I am sincerely thinking we have to make daily effort in order that we are always able to walk by our own legs wherever we want to go.
2) The Bulltin of the Department of My Old School
I was terribly a lazy student. I have perfectly no memory that I sat at the desk and study in my small apartment. Of course, my academic results were so horrible that I had to repeat the course.
When I read topics of the current courses and their academic performances, I really felt disgraced. Why didn’t I study at all? What an idiot I was! I know I have no choice to do anymore, but at this late date I strongly wish to be able to go back the days by a time machine in order to start afresh from the first grade.


タイトル: 「同窓会誌」を読んで思ったこと
1) 会社の退職者会報
私は退職して7年半が経過いたしました。当時、私はQC(品質管理)関連の全社スタッフ(ただし、地位は高くはありませんでした)として働いていたので、会誌へコメントや投稿をした人の多くは、見覚えがある顔でした。中には、元気に老後を楽しんでいる人もいれば、人生の終わりに向けて準備を始めている人もいらっしゃいましたが、最も多かったのは、ご想像のとおり、現在の健康状態に関する話題でした。 「会員短信のコーナー」では、例えば、「最近は体調がだんだん悪くなってきている」とか、「腰椎圧迫骨折に苦しんでいる」などのコメントが寄せられていました。年を取るとこれらは当然のことのように思われますが、私は、「いつまでも自分の足で歩きたいところへ行けるように日々努力しなくてはならない」とつくづく思っております。
2) 出身学科の同窓会誌
会誌で現在の各研究室のトピックと業績を目にしたときは、本当に恥ずかしい気持ちになりました。何故もう少し勉強しなかったのか? 私はなんてバカだったんだろう! もうこんなことを言っても始まらないことはわかっていますが、私は今になって「タイムマシンで過去に戻って1年生からやり直したい」と強く思っています。

Alumni bulletins that I’ve left untouched (手つかずだった同窓会誌)

The bulletin of Retired Employees (退職者会報)

The bulletin of Kansai area alumni association of my old school (関西同窓会会報)

The Bulltin of the department I studied (学科の同窓会誌)

NU7’s alumni bulletin (学士会会報)

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