Re: A big school of lake smelts has appeared again this season, too! (今シーズンもワカサギの大量の群れが出現した)

Since it was a relatively warm day in late of January yesterday (Jan. 23), I made a walking exercise around the lake, when I happened to find the big school of lake smelts near the eastern pier at Edo hamlet. I thought as if almost of all smelts in the lake gathered there. I recalled then that I saw almost the same scene 2 years ago, at exactly the same lakeshore. But the day was Mar. 03, about 40 days later from the day this year. I once heard that the ending season of the fishing (usually in Mar.) is approaching if the phenomenon occurs. If this should be true, the season would be over by the end of Jan., 2 months earlier than usual. That must be a big problem for the fishermen’s association of lake Yogo!
From my experience as an administration officer of the association up to 2 years ago, I have several simple questions as follows;
1) Why the phenomenon appeared so early this year? Due to the warm weather?
2) What the purpose for smelts to gather only there,…to lay eggs? If so, where they lay eggs? (There seems no fish at the west pier since the middle of Dec., last year, which is only 800 meters away)
3) Where will the big school move after several days (based upon past experience) ?
I think we have many things to make research, which may provide hint to recover the fishing exploits.

【In Japanese (日本語訳)】



1) 今年は何故こんなに早くこの現象が起きたのでしょうか?(比較的)暖かい気候のせいでしょうか?
2) ワカサギがそこ(つまり江土桟橋近くの湖岸)に集まる目的は一体何なのでしょうか?…産卵のためでしょうか?もしそうだとしたら、どこに産卵するのでしょうか?(たった800メートルしか離れていない西桟橋(川並)では12月中旬以降殆ど釣れていない)
3) (過去の経験から)数日後に、この大群はいったいどこへ移動するのでしょうか?


A Big School of Lake Smelts (ワカサギの大群)
[Note] Sorry, it’s a bit hard to clearly see the video, due to the light reflection from the lake surface (湖面からの光反射によりハッキリと見えないかもしれません)

【Reference (ご参考)】
Re: This is My Biggest Surprise to See Such an Awful Lot of Number of Lake Smelts (@_@。(こんな湖魚の大群を見たのは初めてだ!)[Issued on Mar. 03, 2023]

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