Re: The Heian Dynasty Government (王朝政治)

The theme of NHK’s drama this year is politics among noblemen and a bit complicated heart-to heart interactions between the higher-class people and the surrounding women. The historical backdrop was around 1,000 AD, when the Heian Dynasty Government was at the peak.
I often visit to the main stage of the drama, i.e., Kyoto Imperial Palace for guiding inbound tourists, but I was ashamed to say that I almost knew nothing about their actual work. I just thought that they might have spent their luxurious days, composing Japanese poems, attending many rituals, and often rating women in the court.

One of my friends recommended me to read the book written by the authority of the politics in the ancient days. Some points I was impressed are as follows.
1) Political system
The administration was chiefly made by “Dajo-kan” (2 or 3 highest officers, 11 ministries) under the emperor who has the uppermost power.
2) Everyday life
They used to be so busy for discussing and concluding what and how they had to proceed for the country that they had to attend at the meeting for no less than 25 days a month.
3) Competiton for power among noblemen
The ranking system (higher, middle and lower) of the noblemen was so strict. They had to pass the tough promotion exams. Even that “The God of Academic”, Michizane was positioned at the 4th group (not accepted) when the genius got the test for the final exam. (@@);; (That’s why noblemen often educated their children in earnest manner from their earliest days.)

Among these higher-class noblemen, the Fujiwaras had started acquiring power from the beginning of the Heian period (about 800 AD), and Michinaga boasted of his family’s heyday in 1016AD. Of course, there should be some exceptions, but generally speaking the elite class people were not definitely playing their luxurious lives every day, on the contrary, they were the hardest working group.

【日本語訳】 タイトル:王朝政治

今年のNHK大河ドラマのテーマは貴族の権力争いとこれら上流階級の人々と周囲の女性たちとの少し入り組んだ心の交流です。 時代設定は、西暦1,000年ごろ、平安時代の王朝政治が絶頂期にあったころです。

私はドラマの主な舞台である京都御所へはインバウンド観光客案内のためによく出向きますが、恥ずかしながら彼らの実際の仕事についてはほとんど知りませんでした。 私はただ、貴族たちは和歌を詠んだり、多くの儀式等に出席したり、または宮廷の女性たちの”品定め”をして贅沢三昧の暮らしをしていたのではないかと思っておりました。


1) 政治体制


2) 日常生活


3) 貴族間の権力争い

貴族の階級制度(上級、中級、下級)はとても厳しくて、昇進するには厳しい登用試験に合格しなければなりませんでした。あの「学問の神様」菅原道真でさえ、秀才たちが最終試験を受けたときには4番目のグループ(不合格)であったとのことです。 (@@);; (だからこそ、貴族たちは子弟を幼いころから真剣に教育していたとのことです)


The Book’s Cover (本の表紙)

About the Author(著者紹介)

Imperial Descent in Ancient Period(古代の皇室略系図)

Fujiwara Michinaga (from the Murasaki Shikibu Diary)          (藤原 道長:「紫式部日記絵巻」からの引用)

The Family Tree of the Fujiwara Clan (part) (藤原貴族の家系図:一部)

Timeline of the mid Heian Period (平安時代中期の年表)

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