【In English】
Seven years have already passed since I retired from the office, but I feel as if I have been always fighting time, especially in 2024, much more than I used to be an engineer before. That’s not what I expected. (*´ω`*);;;
One of the reasons might be due to the guiding jobs for inbound tourists. I did it for more than 20 times this year, almost of which were around Kyoto and Nara area. But I think it’s not good that every time was hustle and bustle for me, no mental spaces, since my knowledge about each spot and the smartest way by public transportations on how to get there were still cursory. (We can’t definitely give our precious guests complete satisfaction under such poor circumstances.)
So, for the next year, I’m planning to make reasonable strategies as follows;
1) To ESTABLISH a model course, its itinerary and a tour reference on what I have to put an emphasis, based upon my experiences in the past. (As has been so far, the material is to be delivered to clients, and be explained briefly when I first meet them at a meeting place)
2) To ACQUIRE guiding skills in much more persuasive and smarter manner with much more natural English.
It is true for every-thing, we can’t make it perfect in short time but have to continue repeating improvement by PDCA (Plan→ Do →Check→ Act) cycle. One by one and step by step, I have to endeavor for being able to make clients feel uppermost satisfaction in the Far Eastern country.
【In Japanese (日本語訳)】
私は会社を退職して7年が経ちましたが、この間は当時よりもずっと時間に追われてばかりのように感じています。(こんな筈ではなかったのに… (´ω`);;;)
1) 過去の経験に基づいて、モデルコース、その旅程、そして何に重点を置くべきかについてのツアーの参考用資料を確立する。(これまでもそうしてきましたが、これらの資料はお客様に初めてお会いした時に手渡し、簡単に説明いたすことにしております)
2) より自然な英語で、より説得力のある、そしてよりスマートなガイドスキルを習得する。
何事にも言えることですが、短期間で完璧に達成することは困難であり、PDCAサイクル(Plan:計画する→Do:実行してみる→Check:計画と結果との差を確認する→Act: 修正する)で繰り返し改善を続けなければなりません。一つずつ、一歩ずつ、極東の国へ来ていただいたお客様へ最高の満足感を味わっていただけるよう努力しなければなりません。
My Tour Guiding Trajectory in 2024 (1 of 2) (2024年のツアーガイドの軌跡 (1 of 2) )

My Tour Guiding Trajectory in 2024 (2 of 2) (2024年のツアーガイドの軌跡 (2 of 2))

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