Re: Buddhist memorial service for my Late Mother (The sixth anniversary of her death)  【亡母の七回忌法要】

【In English】

Today was my mother’s death anniversary. The monk of our family temple made a visit to our home at 10:00 AM, and chanted several sutras for one and half an hour. After the service, we (my wife and I) paid respect to our family graves, bringing her “sotoba” (卒塔婆; a tall, narrow wooden tablet set up behind a grave).
Such Buddhist services have become quite simple and easy after the COVID-19 crisis, i.e., after 2020. Our children (2 sons and 1 daughter) didn’t come back to our home, either. (We usually used to extend to many our relatives invitations to visit our house, and have a conventional party after the service for remembering the deceased.)
It was a perfectly fine autumnal weather, today.

【In Japanese】



“SOTTOBA”(This wooden tablet will be set up behind our family grave, after the Buddhist service)


Our Buddhist altar just before the service


Our family grave (We visited there after the service)


Photograph of my late mother


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