Re: Guiding training for some spots in Otsu in Shiga pref. (大津でのツアーガイド研修)

【In English】

I participated in the training of “Go by Keihan train” the day before yesterday.
The purpose was to get useful knowledge about representative destinations in the prefectural capital, and to expand my “stage” for my tour guiding course. (I was born and raised in the prefecture of Shiga.)
The training lecturer and all the participants except this old OYAJI were charming and excellent women. Being surrounded with such wonderful ladies, I sweated a lot much more than my usual tour guide job. (‘ω’);;;;;

The places that we visited by the private railway were;
1) Ishiyama-dera (石山寺)
2) “Bike supply shop” for BIWAICHI, a biking tour around Lake Biwa
3) Mii-dera (三井寺)
4) Enman-in (圓満院), a Monzeki (門跡) temple, a prestigious temple where members of imperial family and nobility resided for the priesthood for generations

Quite different from popular spots in Kyoto, the destinations we visited were not so crowded with sightseers, almost no inbound tourists. But I honestly thought that each of the ancient temples was filled with deep charms, being no less important than famous ones in Kyoto.

I’ve rarely joined at such training events so far since I’m a very shy boy, but it was lucky and a great joy for me too, to be able to get acquainted with the new tour guides.

【In Japanese (日本語訳)】




この研修の講師も、このオヤジ以外の参加者も、魅力的で優秀な女性ばかりでした。そんな素晴らしい女性たちに囲まれたので、私は普段のツアーガイドの仕事よりもずっと汗をかきました。 (‘ω’);;;;;


1) 石山寺
2) 琵琶湖を巡る自転車ツアー「ビワイチ」の自転車貸出店舗
3) 三井寺
4) 圓満院(門跡寺院、皇族や貴族が代々住職を務めた由緒ある寺院)



At Ishiyama-dera temple (1 of 4) (石山寺 東大門)

At Ishiyama-dera temple (2 of 4) —-Wollastonite rocks—-


At Ishiyama-dera temple (3 of 4) —-Genji room—-(源氏の間)


At Ishiyama-dera temple (4 of 4) —-Moss-covered Muyuen garden—-


Otsu port (大津港)

“O-PORT-able” cycle station (ビワイチ用自転車レンタル店)

“Go by Keihan train” (京阪電車で”Go”)

At Mii-dera temple (1 of 3) —-Moon-viewing Pavilion—-


At Mii-dera temple (2 of 3) —-the Bell tower (鐘楼)

At Mii-dera temple (3 of 3) —-Hear the ‘Mii no bansho’ (the evening bell at Mii-dera Temple), one of the Eight Views of Omi (近江八景のひとつ「三井の晩鐘」の音を聞いてください)

One of the trainees is trying to sound the famous bell!

At Enmanin temple (大本山 圓満院)

At JR Zeze sta. (JR 膳所駅)


From the Chunichi Paper (Oct., 02, 2024) (中日新聞 10月02日)

From the Chunichi Paper (Oct., 03, 2024) (中日新聞 10月03日)

From the Chunichi Paper (Oct., 05, 2024) (中日新聞 10月05日)

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