Re: When Your Body Softens, Your Blood Vessel Strengthens!                (体がやわらかくなると血管が強くなる)

[In English]

I thought the book is very understandable and very practical, even for a very “hard-headed” OYAJI (aged man) like me.
The author’s main thesis is clear.
1) One’s blood vessel has a tendency to get harder and harder, when he / she gets older. This change is called “Hardening of the Arteries”.
2) If one lets it alone, without taking any measures, the risk of causing serious diseases such as a heart infarction and / or a brain infarction may become higher, due to the acceleration of the vessel’s aging.
3) The author formed the following hypothesis about the relationship between hardness of one’s body and that of one’s blood vessel.
“If one’s blood vessel gets harder when one’s body gets harder, then we may expect the vessel will get softer when one’s body softens?”
4) The author experimented with the use of his own developed stretching exercise, and this hypothesis was proved correct, which means that the tested persons’ blood vessels actually softened by the stretch.
The author provided how to do the exercise in an easily understood manner, which consists of 2 groups, one is a “Beginners’ Course” (5 methods), and another one is a “Intermediates’ Course” (5 methods), i.e., totally 10 methods.
(See the photos on the Book Cover, for one of the examples.)

It goes without saying that we cannot get any effects unless we continue it every day. The author kindly advises that we can start it for only 1 minute a day at first. “Practice makes Perfect!”

I’ve continued NHK’s radio gymnastics every morning for 6 and half a year after I had retired office. The gymnastics include Stretching exercise. I feel my body might have softened, as I can touch my hands to the ground without flexing my legs. I have to have my vascular age measured exactly at a medical clinic.

The post is just a memorandum for me, since I’ll totally forget in a week or so even the fact that I read the book (^-^;;;

[In Japanese; 日本語]

タイトル: 体がやわらかくなると血管が強くなる!

1)血管は加齢とともに硬くなる傾向があります。 この変化は「動脈硬化」と呼ばれます。
このストレッチ運動のやり方を「初級コース」(5つの方法)と「中級者コース」(5つの方法)の2つに分けて著者が分かりやすく解説しております。 (全部で10の運動が解説されております。)

当たり前のことですが、毎日続けないと効果は得られません。 著者は、「最初は1日たった1分から始めてみましょう!」と親切にアドバイスしています。 そうです、”継続は力なり!”なのです。

私はサラリーマンを退職してからこれまで約6年半、毎朝のNHKラジオ体操を続けてきております。 この体操にはストレッチ運動が含まれています。 (これによる効果かどうか)私は足を曲げなくても手が地面につくようになりましたので、体が柔らかくなったのかなと思います。 一度、血管年齢を医療機関で正確に測ってもらうことにいたします。


私は、一週間も経てば本を読んだことすらすっかり忘れてしまうので…… ^-^;

The Book’s Cover (本の表紙ページ)

About the Author (著者のプロフィール)

The Structure of Vessels
Our vessels consist of triple-layers: an outer membrane, an intermediate membrane and an inner membrane. It is said that the “Endothelial Cell” on the inner membrane (yellow colored part) closely relates to our vascular age.

私たちの血管は三重の層から構成されています。 外膜、中(間)膜、そして内膜です。 そして血管年齢は、内膜(黄色の部分)にある血流と接する「内皮細胞」が深く関係していると言われています。

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