Re: Summary of 4 Days’ Tour Guiding around Kyoto & Nara in Nov. (11月に行った4日間の京都・奈良観光ガイドのまとめ)

【In English】

I did the tour guiding again for the 3 groups from USA, from 15 (Wed.) to 18 (Sat.) in this month. Whenever I do the job, I always have to be burdened with deep stress, since I believe that the mission of a guide should be to give precious guests the uppermost satisfaction. An excellent guide is not allowed any mistakes such as taking wrong streets / course, inaccurate explanation about the histories and episodes at sightseeing spots.

Thanks to my experience and efforts so far, I think I could manage to complete all the tour, though not so perfect. I could give me 85 points this time, a bit better than last month.

Some clients unexpectedly gave me a tip when I said to them, “Goodbye, and thank you!” Some sent me a heart-felt thanks as attached below, which must be too lavish to this amateurish tour guide.

I’m now feeling that even a slow and clumsy boy like me may be able to improve the skills gradually but surely by the experiences.

[A thank-you Memo from One Client]
Title: Yoshi was awesome!
Yoshi was very informative, knowledgeable, time conscious, kind, humble, and considerate. We asked a lot of questions because we truly wanted to understand the Japanese culture, and he -answered them with honesty. We are 69 years old and he often asked us: can you walk 15 minutes to a certain location or can you walk up the stairs? He seemed to be very sensitive about our health mobility. Although he is about our age, he has great wisdom and much more energy than we did. We would highly recommend him.


11月15日(水)から18日(土)の4日間、私はまたアメリカからのインバウンド観光客3組のガイドを行いました。 私はこの“仕事”をするときはいつも、ものすご~いプレッシャーに押しつぶされそうな気持になります。というのも、大切なゲスト(お客様)へ最高の満足を与えることがガイドの使命だからです。 優秀なガイドは、道・コースを間違えたり、観光地の歴史や関連する話題について間違った説明をするなどのミスは許されません。 私はこれまでの経験と自分なりに準備等の努力をしてきましたので、決して完璧ではありませんが、なんとか全行程を終えることができたと思います。 今回は、先月より少し良い85点を与えることができたと思っております。

ゲストへ「さようなら、本日はありがとうございました!」と別れの挨拶をしたときに、思いがけずチップをくれたお客様もいらっしゃいました。 以下に添付したように心からの感謝の言葉を私に送ってくれた人もいました。(お世辞とはわかっておりますが、私のような素人臭いツアーガイドには過分すぎると感じております。)


タイトル:ヨシは最高でした! (注):「ヨシ」とは私のニックネームです
ヨシは非常に有益で、知識が豊富で、時間を意識し、親切で、謙虚で、思いやりのある人でした。 私たちは日本文化を本当に理解したかったのでたくさんの質問をしましたが、彼は正直に答えてくれました。 私たちは 69 歳ですが、彼はよく私たちに「ある場所まで 15 分歩いて行けますか? それとも階段を上ることができますか?」と尋ねてくれました。 彼は私たちが移動する際に健康や体調について非常にこまやかに配慮してくれているようでした。 彼は私たちと同じくらいの年齢ですが、私たちよりも優れた知恵とエネルギーを持っているように思いました。私達は、ガイドとして ヨシを強くお勧めいたします。






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 2 reviews
 by Mitch
Thank you very much, Yoshi!

Thank you very much for taking all those beautiful photos and for sending them to me. I already looked at them, and they are excellent. And I’m also very grateful you were my tour guide! I very much appreciate how you always did your best to make sure I had an excellent tour. You totally succeeded in making it great for me! And even when you lost your phone, you stayed as calm and focused as a samurai warrior!!! Very impressive! I would have lost my mind. I’ll be sure to download the photos to my computer before Dec 10. Thanks again Yoshi!!! Wish you the best always, Mitch.
Kasuga Grand Shrine!Ah-pI_GRbL6byUwSIzrBatVrAnZ-?e=iitak5



Good day, Mitch san. I thank you very much for selecting me as a tour guide for the 2 ancient capitals (Nara & Kyoto).Though I'm a very amateurish and awkward tour guide, I tried my best to serve the nice guy who came all the way from NY.(I committed that TERRIBLE mistake of losing my mobile phone on the very first moment on the first day, though...(^-^; ;;;; ) I strongly hope that all of your days in Japan this time will be unforgettable good memories.I was so glad to be able to share the same time with you, Mit san. I'll never forget the handsome therapist in NY.From YoshiNov., 22 (Wed.), 2023

 by Linda & Mike
Yoshi was awesome!

Yoshi was very informative, knowledgeable, time conscious, kind, humble, and considerate. We asked a lot of questions because we truly wanted to understand the Japanese culture, and he -answered them with honesty. We are 69 years old, and he often asked us: can you walk 15 minutes to a certain location, or can you walk up the stairs? He seemed to be very sensitive about our health mobility. Although he is about our age, he has great wisdom and much more energy than we did. We would highly recommend him.
The Golden Pavilion
Thank you Memo from the Client!Ah-pI_GRbL6b0G7HnyxwKbSCqlrH?e=zBryLy

Re: Summary of 4 Days’ Tour Guiding around Kyoto & Nara in Nov. (11月に行った4日間の京都・奈良観光ガイドのまとめ)

Dear Linda san, and Mike san I was so happy to be able to share the time with you on the 18th. Thank you for your lavish words to this amateurish tour guide. I was glad to know that both of you were listening in earnest, when I explained about the histories and the related episodes, with what little knowledge I have. I already sent my "Homeworks" to your e-mail address, and will send all the photos in a week, as I promised. Again, I was really lucky to get acquainted with the nice couple from Louisiana. From Yoshi

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