Re: The Window Port City to Europe, Tsuruga (欧州への窓の港町;敦賀)

【In English】

Since Tsuruga (敦賀) is quite near my hometown, my parents used to often bring us to the city, for shopping, a new year visit to a miracle-working shrine, taking a western style lunch that we had rarely been able to eat in those days.

I still remember clearly that an atmosphere of the city seemed to be quite different from the ones of other cities,….my elder sister and I must have had a kind of youthful feeling that an air of exotic was flowing in the city, especially at around the port.
Yes, “Tsuruga Port was officially opened to international trade in 1899, and it became a thriving transportation hub linking Japan and Europe.

The port was also renowned as a place of accepting Polish orphans in the 1920s and Jewish refugees in the 1940s. The wearied travelers, exhausted from suffering nightmarish experiences both physical and mental, were touched so much by the warmhearted welcome extended by the local people, that’s why many of them described the town as “Heaven”.

I was a bit surprised to know that “Port of Humanity Tsuruga Museum” was newly rebuilt 2 years ago, at almost the same place as they had landed.

【In Japanese】





Heritages of Industrial Modernization (近代化産業遺産)

Stone Monument of Yanagase Tunnel (柳ケ瀬トンネル前石碑) [1 of 2]
Stone Monument of Yanagase Tunnel (柳ケ瀬トンネル前石碑) [2 of 2]
Yanagase Tunnel (Being Used Now) 柳ケ瀬トンネル(現在も滋賀⇔福井のショートカット道路として使われています)
Kotone Tunnel (Existing Oldest Tunnel) 小刀根トンネル(現存する最古のトンネル) [1 of 2]
Kotone Tunnel (Existing Oldest Tunnel) 小刀根トンネル(現存する最古のトンネル) [2 of 2]

Port of Humanity Tsuruga Museum (人道の港 敦賀ムゼウム)

The “Museum” Lit Up at Night (ライトアップされたムゼウム;絵葉書から)

Tsuruga Port (敦賀港)

Old Tsuruga Port Sta. (旧敦賀港駅;現在は資料館)

Kehi Jinjya Shrine (気比神社)

Tsuruga City Museum (敦賀市博物館;旧大和田銀行本店建物)

Others (その他)

Fishery Harbor (漁港)
An Old Japanese Sake Brewery (古い造り酒屋)
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