Re: 450th Anniversary of Nagahama, Built by Hideyoshi (秀吉が長浜を築いて450年!)

【In English】

After winning the battle of Ane-gawa (姉川の戦い), Hideyoshi (羽柴秀吉), who is renowned as one of the great heroes in the Provincial War Era (戦国時代), built his own castle here at Nagahama in 1573 AD. So, they are planning many events, commemorating the 450th anniversary.

One of the events was held yesterday at the summit of Shizugatake Mountain (賤ケ岳), which was the symbolizing battle place for Hideyoshi, since the tycoon had started climbing up the ladder to the top position of administering Japan, after beating Katsuie (柴田勝家) there in 1583 AD.

The day was a bit brisk and windy but fine day, but many sightseers were coming to see the gorgeous landscape from the top, as it was the opening day for the lift service, too.

I came across the 440th Buddhist memorial service for the deceased when I was descending from the top. I put my hands together and lowered my head, thinking of many warriors who died in the midst of fierce battle, unknown mountainous place far from their home.

【In Japanese】





Double Cherries (八重桜) are almost in bloom, on the way to the Mountain


New Green Leaves at the Approach to the Lift


Lake Biwa from the Top
Lake Yogo from the Top
After the Fierce Battle, what is the warrior recalling? He might have been killed…

激しい戦いの後、この武将は一体何を思い起こしているのでしょう? ひょっとしたら、自分が殺されていたかもしれないという恐怖でしょうか?それとも故郷で無事を祈っている家族のことでしょうか?

Buddhist Memorial Service was being held at the Tomb for the battle deaths


Yasuharu WAKISAKA is one of the SEVEN SPEARS (七本槍), who was born and grown around here at Nagahama


My Name Card (English), with the Logo of “Nagahama Sengoku Festival”


Motion Picture When Descending from the Top by the LIft

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