Re: Autumnal Foliage along the Trail around Small Hamlets that Have Disappeared from a Map (「地図から消えた集落」の紅葉)

Good weather has continued in our district, too. Since I have often heard about a news of autumnal leaves, I couldn’t help but go outside, some nice place for appreciating the natural beauty.

I just recalled that there used to be Seven small hamlets in the northern area of our district. The village people there had made their living with small fields and charcoal making from abundant woods around their home. Here, the woods for the use are said to be broad-leaved trees (広葉樹) such as oaks (樫) and chestnuts (栗), all of which change their leave in fall, quite different from needle-leaved trees (針葉樹) such as cedars (杉).

My expectation never betrayed me. All the mountains in front of me were covered with many kinds of changing leaves, a bit too early till the best season, though. I met no one nor no wild bears during the walk. (Very lucky!! (^^♪)) I was able to enjoy the gorgeous vista all to myself.
PS: Due to the Fuel Revolution (燃料革命) and some other reasons, they had to decide to leave from their own homeland that their families had lived for generations. It was about 50 years ago.

Many Kinds of Color Changing Leaves Cover All Over the Mountain in Front of Me!

On the Trail. I Met No One during the Walk

The Niu River, the River Head of the Takatoki River (高時川の源流)

The Track I Walked (Red Track). It was 6 km (For Back and Forth)

The Day’s Motion Pic. (1 of 2)

The Day’s Motion Pic. (2 of 2)
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