First ever “Kohoku Tour” for inbound clients (初めての湖北ツアー)

【In English】

I have often served as a tour guide for inbound tourist so far. The destinations were almost Kyoto, Nara, and sometimes Osaka. However, on the other day, the God kindly gave me a big chance to do it at my hometown area, i.e., Kohoku (湖北). I had continued praying our ancestors every day for the day’s good weather, since it determines the pleasure of the bike tour.

It was a tour around the area, including Mt. Shizugatake (賤ケ岳), a historically famous battlefield in the Provincial War era, Kinomoto town (木之本), subdued but deep post station / temple town, and Lake Yogo (余呉湖), my hometown. I was EXTREMELY happy to know that it was sunny and occasionally cloudy, not so hot unlike the day before yesterday,…that’s the perfect gift from the God. Everything went smoothly; 1) The day’s schedule explanation over coffee, 2) Nicest view from the top of the battlefield, 3) Good lunch at the local food house (Kohoku specialty), 4) Old sake and soy brewery study tour, 5) Comfortably biking along Lake Yogo, where hydrangea flowers were almost in full bloom.

This is no exaggeration at all to say that I have never exerted my effort to prepare for the tour than ever before. Thanks to our ancestors help too, I felt so happy when all the 10 clients from FL and CA gave me a warm and superfluous word of thanks and gratitude as well.

(I already got permission to post the photos from the friendly family)

PS: Only moment I became panic and pale during the tour was, I couldn’t find my bike key after a short break…but the key was found in the back pocket of my jeans… (^-^;;;;;;;;;;;;;

【In Japanese (日本語)】



 それは、戦国時代の有名な戦場である賤ケ岳、一見地味ではありますが奥が深い宿場町・そして門前町である木之本北國街道通り、そして私の故郷である余呉湖を含む地域を巡るツアーでした。一昨日(14日)とは違ってそれほど暑くなく、晴れ時々曇りだったことを知って私はとても幸せでした…それは神様からの完璧な贈り物でした。(ツアー中)すべてが順調に進んだと思います。 1) お客様がご到着の後、コーヒーを飲んでいただきながらその日のスケジュールや注意事項を説明して納得してもらったこと、2)古戦場の頂上からの最高の景色を眺められたこと、3) 地元の食堂でのおいしいランチ(湖北名物:鯖ソーメン御膳)をいただけたこと、4) 古い日本酒酒蔵と醤油蔵を見学できたこと、そして5) 紫陽花がほぼ満開の余呉湖沿いを快適にサイクリングできたこと等です。



追伸:ツアー中に私がパニックになって顔色が青ざめたのは、実は1度ありました。ちょっと休憩した後に私の自転車の鍵が見つからないのです。鍵が(普段は使わない)ジーンズの後ろポケットから見つかった後には、それまでの戸惑いを隠すのに苦労しました…. (^-^;;;;;;;;;;;;;

The photo collages of the day’s bike tour

Small reference material of Japanese history that the guide touched during the tour

At the top of Mt. Shizugatake

At “Michikusa” lunch house along Hokkoku street


The artificial hatching place for lake smelts

Hydrangea garden at the lakeside of Yogo


At JR Yogo sta.

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