Re: Double Cherries are Now in Full Bloom at My Nearest Town! (近くの町では遅咲きの桜が満開だ!)

【In English】

It was a brisk and fine day today. I went out to a nearby town by my granny’s bike (ママチャリ), since I heard that double cherries (八重桜) have just begun blooming at a small village at the foot of Mr. Shizugatake (賤ケ岳), which is well known as one of the historical battlefields in the provincial war period.

The spot was unusually crowded with local people who came to see the 2nd flowers, in spite of a weekday. I had a kind of “Odd but Fresh Feeling” to see that no inbounds tourists were walking and to hear no foreign languages there, since I’ve been accustomed to see such scenes everywhere in Kyoto.
( ^)o(^ )

【In Japanese (日本語)】


今日はさわやかで良い一日でした。 戦国時代の有名な戦場である賤ケ岳の麓にある小さな村で八重桜が咲き始めたと聞いたので、ママチャリで近くの町まで出かけました。

平日にも関わらず、二度目の花見に来ていた地元の人たちで珍しく賑わっていました。 京都ではそんな光景をあちこちで見慣れていたので、インバウンドの観光客が一人も歩いておらずまた外国語も聞こえてこないことにある種の「奇妙だが新鮮な気持ち」を感じました。
( ^ )o( ^ )

The Approach to Ikagu Jinjya Shrine in Double Cherries’ Full Bloom (1 of 3) 八重桜が満開の伊香具神社参道(1 of 3)

The Approach to Ikagu Jinjya Shrine in Double Cherries’ Full Bloom (2 of 3) 八重桜が満開の伊香具神社参道(2 of 3)

The Old Shop for Cocoon Filaments  古いまゆ糸作業場

The Entrance for the Nearby Fancy Japanese Restaurant  近くにある料亭への入り口

Torii Gate to Ikagu Jinjya Shrine 伊香具神社への入り口(鳥居)

The Approach to Ikagu Jinjya Shrine in Double Cherries’ Full Bloom (3 of 3) 八重桜が満開の伊香具神社参道(3 of 3)

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