Re: What I thought after getting new year’s cards                        年賀状をいただいて思ったこと

Since the first week of the new year has already passed, I guess no more returning cards shall arrive. So, I organized the cards I received this year today, taking advantage of a bad weather (snowy and cold) for going out.

As some may think the same thing, the number of my acquaintances and friends who humbly wrote “Please let me say that I’m too old to continue sending the card anymore” has seemed to be increasing. I got it from 11 people this year. (13 % among all.) It seems to be a kind of ”trend” in these several years. Of course, this doesn’t mean to refuse any association but only to stop sending the card on a new year day. The reasons might be 1) a price rise of a card, 2) want to replace it with SNS, 3) not want hassle to prepare it. But I think a new year card is a good custom to be able to know how they are getting along, recall their faces and good old days with them, though it’s only one time in a year. Or rather, I’d say that it might make us drift away from each other year by year, if we haven’t communicated with SNS so far. That’s too sad and lonely for me, for I feel that the past we have associated with for years becomes nothing.

I’m sure I will continue sending the card every year, even if the number who receives become only one.

One more topic that many commented, is “Health First”, which is everybody’s concern. I really think that we can do whatever we want, only if we are healthy in mind and body. “Always healthy” is the uppermost word that we have to keep it in our mind.

【In Japanese 日本語訳】




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