I’ve made it a rule to declare my new year’s resolution on the card for the past 10 years, though the content has been almost similar, i.e., No.1 is to keep fit, which everybody can agree, and No.2 is to enhance my guiding skills for inbound tourists, the number of which is expected to be going strong in 2025, too.
My faith that a tour guide has to give clients the uppermost satisfaction has become firmer and firmer, year by year.
For that purpose, I’ve thought a guide has to endeavor to catch the quintessence on why such a culture was nurtured in the period and what the culture brought to the next period.
And one more thing, which may be my personal desire, is that I would rather like to make a guiding for my home prefecture area, not that popular spots on the golden route. There may not be so many famous spots and superb cuisines here, but I think we definitely have other attractions such as;
1) Many Places Associated with the Provincial War Era
2) Beautiful Nature of Four Seasons
3) Traditional Events & Culture of Worship
4) Modernization Heritages of Meiji’s Civilization & Enlightenment
So, I’ve determined to make a guiding around my home prefecture more than one third of all next year, it’s quite challenging, I know.
(The tourists’ number coming here is only 8 % of the ones to Kyoto last year.)
1) 多くの戦国時代ゆかりの地
2) 四季折々の美しい自然
3) 伝統行事と信仰文化
4) 文明開化時の近代化遺産
My Resolution for the New Year of 2025 (来年の私の抱負)

Inbound Tourists coming to Japan is expected to be 35 million this year, according to the paper (今年の訪日客は年末までに3,500万人を突破しそう (@_@);;

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