Re: OJT on Osaka Jo Castle and the “World of Noh” (大阪城と能楽についての実地研修)

I attended the OJT the day before yesterday, for acquiring guiding skills about the main destination of Osaka and deep Japanese culture born in Muromachi period.
The number of attendees who were luckily selected for the popular seminar was 25, 80 % of whom were women, as has been often the case in this kind of event.
I have made a tour guidance for the merchant city of Osaka many times, including the castle, but I had to say sorry for my precious guests that I just explained the surficial matters which everyone could catch from the related website. Thanks to the curator who has worked there for 30 years, however, we were able to know many catchy spots and topics in the large castle park.
“Noh” was, of course a new one for me, I had no knowledge about it. We had an opportunity to study the basics about it at Yamamoto Nohgakudo (山本能楽堂) near the castle. We saw the Noh stage, various kinds of Noh masks and gorgeous costumes as well.
I was astonished to know that an actor in Noh could not see the surroundings very well when masked, since the eye’s hole of the mask are so narrow that the actor naturally has to shuffle on the stage.
It is said that Hideyoshi used to love the indigenous culture of Japan. I wish I could have a chance to appreciate the genuine Japanese culture someday.

We really thank all the hosts, the day’s guide, the curator of the castle and the explainers of Yamamoto Nohgakudo, for giving us such a wonderful opportunity!

【Translation into Japanese (日本語訳)】




Osaka Jo (1 of 8) 大阪城(1 of 8)

Map of Osaka Jo Park (大阪城公園の地図)

Osaka Jo (2 of 8) 大阪城(2 of 8)

South Outer Moat (南外堀)

Osaka Jo (3 of 8) 大阪城(3 of 8)

Dry Moat and the edge of the stone wall (空堀と石垣の端の部分)

It is said special design and care must be taken for the edge part, since the wall is vulnerable from the part (石垣は通常、端の部分から崩れやすいので特別の設計が配慮されねばならないと言われている)

Osaka Jo (4 of 8) 大阪城(4 of 8)

Takoishi stone (Octopus stone) 蛸石

I didn’t notice it until the curator explained that the marks made by a tool for breaking the rock can be also seen like suckers of an octopus (私は学芸員に説明されるまで、石割ノミの跡がタコの吸盤にも見えるということを知らなかった)

Osaka Jo (5 of 8) 大阪城(5 of 8)

Main tower seen from a Japanese garden (日本庭園前から見た天守閣)

Osaka Jo (6 of 8) 大阪城(6 of 8)

Excellent curator at the Terrace (とても物知りな大阪城学芸員様)

Osaka Jo (7 of 8) 大阪城(7 of 8)

Monument where Hideyori and Yodo-dono committed suicide (秀頼・淀殿ら自刃の地の碑)

Osaka Jo (8 of 8) 大阪城(8 of 8)

Hideyoshi’s battle surcoat (秀吉の陣羽織)

Nogakudo (1 of 4)  能楽堂(1 of 4)

Musical instruments used in Noh performance (能楽で用いられる楽器)

Nogakudo (2 of 4)  能楽堂(2 of 4)

Accessories used in Noh performance (能楽で用いられる小道具類)

Nogakudo (3 of 4)  能楽堂(3 of 4)

Noh masks, such as deities, old man, men 能面(鬼神系、翁系、男系等の例)

Nogakudo (4 of 4)  能楽堂(4 of 4)

The Noh stage (能舞台)

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