Re: Ambitious Plan for Building the Canal of Crossing the Mainland of Japan (日本横断運河計画)

【In English】

I attended at the lecture meeting at the city library of Tsuruga city yesterday.
I have often heard that there was such a spectacular plan by Taira-no-Kiyomori (平清盛) at the last stage of Heian period (about 800 years ago). Since then, no less than 23 plans have repeated appearing and disappearing up to the modern years (1963). I was surprised to know it for the first time that an old document about one of the plans was left at a previous village headman in our hamlet too.

The main purpose of the plan must have been to accommodate for transporting large amount of cargoes such as grains and local products. Another purpose was said to develop new rice paddy by reducing the water level of Lake Biwa.

At the question-and-answer session of the meeting, I presented a question to the lecturer who gave us very convincing review, as follows.
“I dropped by the city museum this morning to study beforehand, since they are holding the special exhibition on the same theme and found that the difference of elevation between the sea level of Tsuruga and the highest dividing ridge at around Fukasaka mountain path is about 250 meters. If Kiyomori had known the reality, I would say he must’ve given it up, since (I think) it totally impossible to build it by the technology in those days. I wonder if he knew the fact?” The well-informed curator of Otsu city history museum kindly replied, “Well, I think they may have not made such detailed research beforehand. They may have intuitively insisted so….”

I think it may be possible to build the canal by the newest technology, such as digging a tunnel between the both ends, much more sophisticated than the original, but I think there are no such need now any more, since the ground transportation has fully established.

Anyway, I was fully satisfied to attend at the lecture, to be able to know such ambitions by the people in old ages.

【In Japanese (日本語訳)】








A Poster of the special exhibition on the ambitious plan     (壮大な運河計画特別展のポスター)

Tsuruga City Museum (敦賀市立博物館)

The map of planned canal between Tsuruga and Lake Biwa   (敦賀と琵琶湖間に計画された運河の地図)

The related article on the Chunichi Newspaper [11/16/2024] (中日新聞の関連記事 [11/16/2024])

The port city Tsuruga (港街 敦賀)

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