Re: The Warmest Thank-You Message from the American Family (先日、“古都巡り”にご一緒したご米国人ご家族からの温かい御礼メール)

[In English]

I got the message this evening from the family member.
It might be true that we were really lucky not to encounter any troubles and fully enjoyed ourselves during the 2 days’ tour, but I haven’t expected it at all to get such a heart-felt mail to this amateurish tour guide.

I’m now thinking that a person who has to show an attitude of gratitude is I, not the guests, I mean, thanks to this nice opportunity, I was able to study a lot about the destinations and / or delve into the historical background, which must become useful knowledge for my guiding skill in the future.

Thank you for your nice souvenirs to me from NYC, too. I will use all of them with deep care…

I’d be really happy if your first visit to this Far Eastern country this time will become a good inspiration to have more interest in its history and culture.

[The Thank-You Message (1)]
Dear Yoshi san,

No words can convey to you how much we appreciate all the work you have put in the tour you gave us of your home country Kyoto, Japan. We most grateful for your guidance in imparting all your knowledge of the places we visited.

We are glad that you enjoyed our most humble gifts. The NY Yankee hat and the tote bag was selected because it was a reminder from your friends from New York. And the tote bag was selected because the pictures depicts some of the most iconic buildings around NY. And of course, the New York Times items were related to Lindsey san’s work place. Since we have little knowledge of sake, we hope you will enjoy the home brew one you unwittingly helped us select 😉.

Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts ❤️ for the most wonderful tour of your home country, and all the time and effort you have put in for us. We will not forget the wonderful time we had together and please stay in touch!

Most sincerely,

[The Thank-You Message (2)]

Dear Yoshi San ,

Thank you so very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your love of Kyoto with us. The history lesson was great. I hoped to learn more about it.

I saw the pictures you sent to Lindsey. They looked great. We appreciate the time and effort it took in grouping the pictures together. Every time we looked at them, we will know exactly where they were taken. Thanks again.

Best Wishes,
Jane and Sam Yip

[In Japanese (日本語)]

タイトル: アメリカ人ご家族からの温かい感謝のメッセージ







あなたの母国である日本の京都へのツアーにご尽力いただいたことに、私たちがどれほど感謝しているか、言葉では言い表すことができません。 私たちが訪れた場所に関するすべての知識を提供するためにご案内いただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。

私たちのささやかな贈り物を楽しんでいただけたことを嬉しく思います。 NYヤンキースの帽子とトートバッグはニューヨークの友人からの思い出ということで選ばせていただきました。トートバッグはニューヨーク周辺の最も象徴的な建物の写真が描かれているために選びました。そしてもちろん、「ニューヨーク・タイムズ」の帽子は私の娘(貴方の姪っ子さんの親友)の職場に関連しているので差し上げることにいたしました。私たちには日本酒の知識がほとんどないので、貴方に(私たちのお土産だと思わせて)選んでもらった奈良の地酒を楽しんでいただければ幸いです😉。









Photo collages during the tour (観光地で撮ったお客様の写真)

Yoshi, an “amateurish” guide (1 of 4) [Kyoto Imperial Palace]

素人くさいガイド (1 of 4) [京都御所]

Yoshi, an “amateurish” guide (2 of 4) [Ginkaku-ji temple]

素人くさいガイド (2 of 4) [銀閣寺]

Yoshi, an “amateurish” guide (3 of 4) [Philosopher’s path]

素人くさいガイド (3 of 4) [哲学の道]

Yoshi, an “amateurish” guide (4 of 4) [Around Nigatsu-do temple]

素人くさいガイド (4 of 4) [東大寺二月堂付近]

The nice gifts from NYC 


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