Re: The Event for Promoting Development of Our Community at Lakeside Yogo (余呉地域創成フォーラム)

[In English]

Since I had attended extension lectures at a local university up to 2020 (before COVID-19 spread), one of the staffs of the school kindly sent me an invitation to the event.

The theme was to listen to old stories at Yogo from wise elders who have lived long in this area. They know every nostalgic and exciting story that has already disappeared, such as;
1) A kind of “cruising” around the Lake at night
2) Large-sized crucian carp hunting by throwing a spear from a boat
3)Kids used to help for taking Algae grown at the lake, which were used as fertilizer for rice paddies

Another attraction at the event was “Guerilla” Rice Cooking by a revitalizing group for the area. The group’s Catch-phrase is “Rice is Comedy”, and they serve a fresh-cooked rice ball to every participant.

It was a bit chilly and occasionally rainy day, but all the attendees’ heart might be warm.

[In Japanese]



このテーマは、この地に長く住む長老から余呉の昔話を聞き、“古き良き時代”へ思いを馳せることです。 長老達は、今ではもう無くなって久しい郷愁を誘う(そして愉快な)昔話を何でも知っています。たとえば;
1) “ゆうさ”(あるいは遊山):夜の湖を田舟で繰り出し、舟上で飲食を楽しむクルージングの一種

このイベントのもう一つの企画は、地域(西浅井)のまちおこし隊よる「ゲリラ」炊飯でした。”Rice is Comedy” ( こめづくりはお笑い)を合言葉に、参加者全員に羽釜で炊いたできたてのおにぎりを振る舞ってくれました。


”Caravan” Bus of “Rice is Comedy”
“Guerilla” Rice Cooking
“Wise Elder” at the nearby hamlet is explaining old stories around Lake Yogo (地域の長老が余呉湖周辺の昔話を語っているところ)
[Motion Picture] The Lid Opening Show (羽釜の蓋を開ける儀式)
Fresh cooked rice ball and hot tea were served to every attendee at the event (出来立てのおにぎりと煎れたての日本茶がこのイベントへの参加者全員へ配られた)

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