Re: Our Old Classmate was Awarded Decoration (同級生が叙勲の栄誉に浴しました)

[In English]

Our old classmate in elementary and junior high days received a decoration for his long-term contribution to fire prevention activities for our community. No less than 130 guests, including the Mayer, Diet Members, Assembly Members of Shiga Prefecture and the City, were invited to the celebration ceremony and subsequent banquet on Feb., 26 (Sun.) at one of the largest hotels in Nagahama.

The friend of ours has already retired from the position of the fire chief of our district, but he still continues working at the Emergency Medical Transport Support Association in our district, as the top administration officer.

We are very proud of him.

[In Japanese]

タイトル: 同級生が昨年秋の叙勲の栄誉に浴しました!

私達の小中学生時代の同級生が、長年にわたり地域の防火活動に貢献したとしてこの度叙勲の栄誉を受けました。 さる2月26日(日)、長浜最大級のホテルで行われた祝賀式典とこれに続く祝宴へは、長浜市長をはじめ、地域代表の国会議員、滋賀県議会議員、市議会議員らを含めて130名以上が招待されました。



The Mayer is now making the Greeting Speech. (長浜市長が祝辞を述べているところ)

The Recipient of the Medal and his wife, together with their beloved Grandson and Granddaughter (叙勲者ご夫妻とお孫さん達)

Kagami-biraki, a Ceremony for Sake Barrel Opening (“鏡開き”の式典)

The Motion Picture of “Kagami-biraki” (鏡開きの動画)

One of the Originators of the Event is Giving the Closing Address (発起人のおひとりが「閉会のご挨拶」をされている)

The Elegant Attractions during the Event (式典と祝宴の合間には格調高いアトラクションも用意されていた)

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